How to: make a natural wreath

We've caught up with our friend Lisa Grigsby from Down By The River Florals for a lesson in creating natural Christmas wreaths that bring the outside in. The wreath we are making suits an indoor climate best due to its delicate dried foliage and looks beautiful stood on a shelf, hung from a wall or even above a mantle piece.
*If you want to create a wreath for your front door just switch out the dried foliage for fresh.

You will need:
A willow frame (you can make this out of fresh willow, or alternatively source one from your local florist).
Reel wire
Stub wires
Brown string
Wire cutters
Scissors/ secateurs
A selection of foliage – we’ve used a mixture of leylandii, fir tree branches (off cuts from the Christmas tree), blue star evergreen, contorted willow, dried eucalyptus, dried asparagus fern and dried thlapsi.
*A note on foraging*
Pick foliage from your own garden or, seek permission from the landowner prior to taking greenery from hedgerows.
Only select foliage from plentiful sources and avoid using rare or poisonous species.
Only take what you need and be sparing.

How to...
1. You can buy ready made natural frames from your local florist, or you can make your own, like we have, by twisting and weaving long willow stems into a circle shape. If you’re making your own frame, fix your willow by tying little knots of twine or wire all the way around, so you have a nice solid base to start.
2. Start by pruning your foliage (cutting the stems diagonally) so you have varied length pieces of greenery - be careful not to leave any sharp edges.

3. Now begin winding the stems of your foliage through the willow frame so they are tight and secure them in position with some reel wire. It can also look interesting to leave part of the willow frame bare and create an asymmetrical wreath with clusters of greenery on one side (like we’ve done).
Or, if you fancy creating a full wreath, just keep twisting the foliage all the way round the frame to cover the willow completely.

4. Keep adding more of your foliage to the frame, layering and overlapping it until you reach your desired aesthetic.
5. The smaller, more delicate pieces of foliage and items such as pine cones can be tied together to make little bundles using the stub wire before being fixed to the willow frame and wound round the reel wire that's securing the other greenery.

6. Next, tie a piece of brown string through the willow frame at the back of the wreath (so it’s hidden) in order to hang it in your chosen spot.
7. Once you’re happy with the overall look of your wreath spritz it with a little water to keep it looking fresh through the festive period.

Why not try…
Try adding dried orange slices, cinnamon sticks or cloves to your wreath for a fragrant festive touch.
Posted: 19.12.18
Updated: 16.04.21