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Living a Low-Waste Life 

21 July 2022

How to be a zero-waste hero…
tom raffield grand designs home

A zero or low waste lifestyle starts with small, attainable changes. From room to room there are plenty of ways to establish an eco-friendly household. Change starts at home after all… 


Go plastic free. An easy way to start minimising your plastic consumption is by opting for loose fruit and vegetables. Not only is this kinder to the planet, but you’re able to hand pick the exact amount you will use, lowering potential food waste.

tom raffield grand designs house kitchen
Glass is a great reusable product as it is easy to clean and very hard wearing.
Packing your own lunch for work will not only save you money, but will reduce packaging waste.

Just finished a jar of jam or olives? Keep and wash the jar as it holds a plethora of uses, from packed lunch storage to propagating kitchen herbs, glass jars have a lifetime of uses ahead of them.

Locate any reusable packaging, bottles, and containers you have around the house and head to your local refill store. From cleaning supplies to pantry staples, refill shops have a great selection of packaging free items – they are often organic and locally sourced too!


tom raffield semper pendant small
The Semper Pendant outer wooden layers can be adjusted to guide beams of light through your space - well suited to changing interiors.

If it’s broke, fix it. Learning basic sewing skills can add years of wears to your favourite clothing items. This skill can also allow you to repurpose fabric rather than throwing out your old curtains, make yourself new cushion covers!

Donate unused items to charity shops or local shelters. What no longer holds use for you, might be exactly what someone else is searching for. From clothes to furniture, stop throwaway culture in its tracks by donating these items.

tom raffield housel shelf

Buy less by buying better. When it comes to bedroom furniture and accessories, opt for pieces that are crafted to last lifetimes, not just years. High quality, sustainable, products will result in less quantity being bought in the long run.


Thankfully, there are plenty of packaging free, or low packaging, healthcare, and beauty products available. Eco-friendly toilet roll and shampoo bars are just the beginning of what is offered when creating a low waste bathroom, with many reputable brands ditching the unnecessary plastic.

tom raffield grand designs bathroom

Opt for natural ingredients in your products, not only are these gentler on your skin, but they are kinder to the planet. Especially if you are planning any trips to the beach, the sea won’t get polluted with unnatural substances.

Stop using cotton buds and rounds. Cotton buds are crowding landfill due to their plastic components and single use. There are plenty of sustainable options when it comes to cotton pad replacements - you can even make your own with an old cotton t-shirt you no longer wear.

Chelsea flower show


Grow your own produce. You can use old milk or egg cartons as trays or pots to start growing seedlings, or you can grow a lot of vegetables back from their scraps. Growing your own food will reduce your carbon footprint massively, whilst allowing you to control exactly what you grow. Everything tastes better home grown!

To minimise your food waste, start a compost heap. Fill it with food scraps, organic matter and even tea bags to create fertiliser for your growing greenery.

tom raffield maya planter
If your outdoor space is lacking, create your own indoor garden with a well placed wall planter.

Add mulch to your plants. This stops over watering and provides a protective layer over your soil. Broken seashells make for great mulch too, as well as adding calcium to your soil. On your next family trip to the beach, collect broken or unused shells to create your own organic mulch.

Before rushing out to buy a whole host of reusable items, take stock of what you have and what can be reused - the most sustainable option is the option you already own.

Posted: 21.07.22
Updated: 06.03.25

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